Monday, January 7, 2013


Hope you all had joyous holidays and a happy first week of 2013! Let me tell you; 2013 is going to be a great year folks! I have some big plans for this year. Lots of travels and hopefully lots of changes! 

The holidays, as usual, were filled with lots of family & friends. Cleveland for Christmas and Chicago for NYE! Thankfully the construction on our kitchen re-model was complete in-time for Christmas Eve dinner!!

Here are some highlights :

{ my brother and i : Christmas Eve }

{ after dinner chit-chat with the fam }

{ dad & brother sleeping off dinner... not sure why they thought this was cozy! }

{ i love this little girl }

{ Rock & Roll Hall of Fame visit with family }

{ Pocketbooth iPhone App-fun with Meg }

{ puppy-dog getting cozy }

{ check out that snow-dino kids }

{ cousins & brother with our giant snowman, it was a busy day }

{ my dayton friends in chi-town }

{ NYE with my roommates... tradition 4 years strong }

{ NYE: Courtney and i }

Some of my resolutions include; 
1. Understanding more of what I am putting into my body. This means: Splurging on the organic stuff, ridding my freezer of the frozen junk, & drinking more tea ( no I cannot abandon my love of coffee. not a chance – lent was hard enough! )
2. Less couch time, aka watching TV, more reading!
3. Portfolio, portfolio, portfolio!!! Which then brings job searching... in Cali :)
4. Create a web-presence for myself
5. Start selling on Etsy
6. Stay positive!

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