Monday, May 14, 2012

Being able to spend mother's day at home with my mom is so special to me! This year my brother, mom, and I adventured through the metro parks all afternoon and made it home in time for a delicious home-cooked meal from my dad!

I love when the three of us spend time together because my mom is a great story-teller and enjoys telling us stories of when we were younger, things we usually don't remember. This past weekend she told us the story of when my brother, Michael, took his first steps! He was 9 months old and he had just had his bath and my mom and I were sitting on the floor getting him ready for bed. She stood him up on his little feet, which in truth, were not so little – he was actually quite an adorably chunky baby, so much so that apparently I nick-named him chunk-foot! Haha, oh the mind of five-year old! Anywho, he took a few steps towards me and fell into my arms. My mom told me to stand him back up and send him back to her. I did, and so we witnessed his first unsteady baby steps together! 

I really wish I could remember some of these things – I suppose it's sometimes more fun to reminisce about the memories though!

Happy Mother's day Mom! You mean the world to me!!

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